That Sunday Afternoon

We used to close at 6:30pm on Sundays last couple of months and during the summer it wasn't really busy as much as I got worried so much and exhausted. It was one of those Sunday afternoons and the last custmors of that day left the cafe.

The beautiful summer light had been coming trough the windows and as usual I started taking pictures and then I could forget everything about business and felt relieved a bit.

Isn't this scene so calm and beautiful? I just couldn't take my cameras off. After then, don't know why I felt much lonelier.
Two young girls had ordered scones and a pot of tea.

Moving car and the bokeh.
Light, light, miss that summer light.

When the summer light is coming into the cafe, all my places change like this and the gentle breeze makes the shadows dance.

How beautiful you are.
After that it rained for about 50 days here and summer is over and suddenly the weather turns to a bit cold now..
Nikon FM2, Fuji Super 400, Jeonju, 2014
